moonbath // Produced & Directed by Liz Charky & Laura Bartczak// Cinematography by Liz Charky// Movement Direction by Laura Bartczak// Edited by Mark Demolar// Models- Abby Awe & Saalika Khan. 2024
let’s make a mistake tonight / tennis. 2023
Chambers Vintage fashion spec. Cinematography and co-director: Liz Charky, movement direction and co-director: Laura Bartczak, editor: Mark Demolar, music: Samurai Buck. 2023
one night with the valet / tennis. 2022
runner by tennis. 2019 (choreography)
psychic twin. dance for live performances. photo by kyle walling
psychic twin. photo: marc gabor/ styling: luxe de ville /mua: christina spina
GRAVEL FOOT // by lina tullgren. 2020. directed by laura bartczak, shot by laura and kyle walling, edited by mark demolar.
panorama study. featuring katelyn hales, corinne cappelletti, erin sheehy, hadley smith, kay ottinger, amity jones, and cherie burnett. Sundays on Broadway at Weisacres, NYC 2018
her viscera. featuring kaia gilje, laurel atwell, and kelsey ludwig. 2017.
hope is a fold. by ziemba. in collaboration with mark demolar, rene kladzyk, and kaia gilje. 2016
p a n o r a m a // cinematography by nick collingwood. featuring katelyn hales, corinne cappelletti, erin sheehy, hadley smith, amity jones, and cherie burnett. // 16mm. 2018.